Get Smooth, Soft Skin Today
Facials are a great way to relax, and they help improve the look and feel of your skin. Performing a routine facial on your skin will help keep it smooth and free from blemishes. When you get a facial at Sana's Eyebrow Threading, you'll have healthier and more radiant skin!
Using Natural Herbal Products
We use O3+ products for all of our facials. These are herbal products that are ideal for any type of skin. Whether you have acne, smooth skin, or dried-out skin, our products are perfect for you. Each facial will begin with an assessment of your skin type first so that we can ensure the right product is used on your face.
Helping You Combat Acne
If you are battling acne and need help managing it, our O3+ facial products can help. Each product is made with herbal ingredients, meaning it will not irritate or bother your skin. Our cleanser will remove any excess dirt and oil from your pores to allow the moisturizer to penetrate and keep your skin soft and smooth.
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